
What could be simpler than the gift of good bread? And for anyone living far from a good bakery, what could be more welcome? Each month, lucky recipients of your gift will receive a loaf of Eli Zabar’s signature bread. The first package arrives with your personal greeting, a good bread knife, and a letter from us detailing what’s ahead.

January   2 Manor House Loaves
February   2 Health Loaves
March   The Paris Loaf
April   12 Assorted Bagels
May   2 Tuscan Rounds
June   12 Onion Pockets
July   2 Jewish Seeded Ryes
August   12 Brioche Hamburger Rolls
September   2 San Francisco Style Sourdough Loaves
October   2 Olive Rosemary Loaves
November   1 Brioche Braid and 1 Raisin Challah
December   2 Raisin Pecan Loaves

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